Bricolage 1.8.6 Changes



  • Added JavaScript code to validate that the username in the user profile does not have leading or trailing spaces. [David]

  • When started by the super user, bric_queued now runs as the same user as the Bricolage Apache server. This allows it to run as a user that isn't otherwise available as a login on the system (such as the typical nobody or www user). [David]

  • Added support for starting bric_queued in the Linux startup script in contrib/start_scripts/. [David]

  • The get_related_story() and get_related_media() methods of the element class now return undef in a list context when there is no related asset. [David]

  • Events in the event log are now returned (and displayed) in reverse chronological order. [David]

  • The SOAP server now uses a user's template sandbox when executing previews (such as with bric_soap --to-preview workflow publish). Reported by Marshall. [David]

  • A job no longer throws an exception when it can't get a lock on itself for execution. This is because the inability to get a lock may well be due to a race condition with another process. There's no need to throw an exception when it can't get a lock because another process has a lock. So it generates a warning, instead. Reported by Bill Cappell. [David]

  • Bric::Biz::Workflow now caches calls to allowed_desks(). This will allow desks to render much Faster, since most assets on a desk will list the same desks in the Move to select lists. [David]

  • When the PUBLISH_RELATED_ASSETS bricolage.conf directive is enabled, aliases are now also republished. Only aliases that have previously been published will be republished, and only the last published version will be republished, rather than any versions created since the last publish. Suggested by Serge Sozonoff. [David]

  • Added the secret parameter to the list(), list_ids(), and href() methods of Bric::Util::Grp. [David]

  • The set_page_extensions() method of the burner class now provides a list of duplicate extensions in the exception thrown when duplicate extensions are passed to it. [Paul Orrock]

  • A story or media document published with an expire date earlier than the scheduled publish time no longer bothers with the publish but just expires the story or media document. [David]

  • When two events in a list have the same timestamp, they are no longer listed in order by ID relative to each other, but relative to ID descending, to ensure that the one logged first will be listed after the one logged next. [David]

  • Media documents without an associated media file will no longer be displayed in the search results when attempting to relate a media document to an element. Reported by Adam Rinehart. [David]

  • When a template is moved to a new category, its ACL is now properly updated in the cached copy in the user's session, as well as in the database. [David]

  • Changed the published_version parameter to the list() method of Bric::Biz::Asset::Formatting (the template class) to deployed_version, but kept published_version as an alias.

  • Optimized path and parent searches in the Category list_ids SOAP method. [David]

Bug Fixes

  • The SOAP server now properly includes the start desk when it checks CREATE permissions for creating stories, media, or templates. Reported by Alexandra Gershman. [David]

  • Form validation and group management now properly work in the user profile. [David]

  • Fixed the story__category table to use the correct sequence for the id column's default value (although the default is never used, this is a good precaution). Reported by Paul Orrock. [David]

  • Stories and media documents now better pay attention to the letter case specification of output channels when returning URIs. Thanks to José Castro for the spot. [Marshall]

  • Stories now properly set the letter case of file names in URIs when STORY_URI_WITH_FILENAME is enabled. Reported by José Castro. [David]

  • The bricolage.conf PERL_LOADER directive now works properly with bric_queued. [David]

  • The SFTP mover now works with bric_queued. [David]

  • Fixed misspelled database index name. Spotted by Scott. [David]

  • Error messages are now properly localized in bric_queued. [David]

  • Stories updated via SOAP to change categories will no longer leave the old categories associated with the story. [David]

  • Media uploads no longer sometimes fail with an SQL error. [Rod Taylor]

  • All Types now properly shows up at the top of the Types select list in the Advanced Search. [Marshall]

  • Creating media with related stories via the SOAP interface will no longer cause the bizarre Could not find httpd.xml error. Reported by Curtis Poe. [David]

  • Removed possible circular processing of story and media documents when creating new story or media documents via SOAP. [David]

  • Previewing and publishing multipage stories created through bric_soap now properly burn all of the pages. [Scott]

  • Cloned stories now properly set the published_version attribute to undef rather than the value of the original story, thus preventing the clone from having a published version number greater than its current version number. Reported by Nate Perry-Thistle and Joshua Edelstein. [David and Nate Perry-Thistle]

  • The bric_media_upload contrib script now uses the site argument (if there is one) to search for categories. This will prevent it from finding a category in one site but not the upload target site. [David]

  • Fixed two bugs with bric_template_diff. File::Spec::Functions now properly exports catfile() and --from--site and --to-site now properly search on the site rather than the output channel. [Ovid]

  • When a category is added to a story that creates a URI conflict, the new category does not remain associated with the story in the story profile after the conflict error has been thrown. Reported by Paul Orrock. [David]

  • The alias_id parameter to the list() method of the story and media classes has been documented. [David]

  • Usernames are now SQL-escaped before being looked up when a user attempts to log in. The prevents errors when, for example, there are two users named food and foo_, and foo_ attempts to login and gets a failure. [David]

  • All calls to lookup() methods by the SOAP server that pass string values to look up (such as category URIs and site, workflow, and desk names) are SQL escaped so as to prevent conflicts similar to those noted above for usernames. Reported by Scott Lanning. [David]

  • Contributor groups created in the contributor profile are no longer missing from the contributor manager search interface. Reported by Rachel Murray and Scott. [David]

  • ANY() now works properly for the output_channel_id parameter to the list() method of the story and media classes. Reported by Serge Sozonoff. [David]

  • The favicon.ico works again. [David]

  • Stories are now properly expired when the BRIC_QUEUED bricolage.conf directive is enabled. Reported by Scott. [David]

  • When a template is checked out of the library and then the checkout is canceled, it is no longer left on the desk it was moved into upon the checkout, but properly reshelved. Reported by Marshall. [David]

  • Media created with the default Image and Photograph media type elements will now properly supply a Lock val check box for autopopulated fields. Reported by Marshall. [David]

  • Super Bulk Edit now works for media as well as stories. Reported by Scott. [David]

  • The description attribute of stories, media, and templates is now properly limited to 1024 characters in the UI. Reported by Scott. [David]

  • When a template is moved to a new category, the old version of the template is undeployed when the new version is deployed to the new category. The versions in the sandbox are properly synced, as well.

  • Eliminated a compile-time warnings from contrib/bric_media_upload/bric_media_upload. [David]

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